Brokerage services

Мы сможем взять на себя выполнение необходимых процедур связанных с перемещением грузов через таможенную границу страны.
We can take on the procedures required for carrying cargoes across Ukraine's customs border.
Our customs experts and brokers can deliver a complete set of brokerage services such as:
- consulting services;
- customs accreditation;
- examination and drawing up of documents for using non-tariff regulation;
- calculations of customs payment;
- cargo execution in different customs regimes;
- identification of article codes in accordance with the UCCFEA nomenclature;
- examination of the country of origin documents;
- physical examination of goods;
- receipt of approval documents;
- drawing up of cargo customs declarations.
For further information contact the special service department by calling at 8 800 500 575 2 or emailing to